Life, Motivation & Wisdom

Make Every Second Count

Due to my car not being up to NY standards, we rely on public transportation to get from a-z.  For the most part things go well and I get to the stop on time and travel in a seat (versus standing).  Other times – I am rushing to reach the stop and grateful that I can run😊 I realized that I needed to post a wisdom quote focused on “making every second count”.

Although this quote stemmed from me having a ‘run to the bus’ day,  it is truly fitting to our personal lives.  Unfortunately we live in a ‘microwave’ society – we rush through the day..we rush through our lives..we are just constantly on the go.  I especially see it now that I live in a big city.

I admit I can at times fall into that mentality BUT thankfully my children snap me back into reality.  We can’t rush through life…we need to savor every moment and live to the fullest!  Yes we have to work and maintain daily tasks – BUT we have to focus on the quality not the quantity.  For me that means dedicated time with my family..quality conversations with friends..and utilizing my time wisely. For example, when I come home from work I focus on being with the girls and then when they go to bed do more work or tasks for the home.

Do you make the days count?


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