Fab Findings, family fun

Fab Five

I am bringing back the Fab Fives😏   I will try to post my five favorite items for the week on Fridays – some will be themed while others random.  I so meant to post this yesterday but by the time I got home and situated I fell asleep and no waking up till morning.

So here is the Fab Five for the week:

1: Sunset View from work –  The college I work at is surrounded by water and allows for some wonderful views into Manhattan.  This was a recent favorite sunset — can you make out any of the major buildings?

2:  Bud Light Subway S Train – Due to some subway delays we had to take a different route to our church.  We ended up taking the S train from Grand Central to Times Square — it is a quick little shuttle ride.  Well our train was all different neon colors inside and outside — turns out it is part of a Bud Light advertisement for their “rita” drinks.

3:  Emergency Station –  I see these little stations every now and then… not sure if they work or not but I think it is a neat concept.

4:  Tom Otterness’s Playground Figurines –  I posted on how during our exploration of Hell’s Kitchen we stopped at the Tom Otterness Playground.  Besides the neat slide it was fun seeing the little figurines spread throughout the big sculpture.  These little three where hidden on the leg slides.

5: Rock, Paper, Scissors –  While watching tv earlier in the week I saw the new Android Be Together Not theSame ads.  It was a reminder of my childhood days when I played the game with my sister.  As well I really appreciate how it touched on anti-bullying.  Check it out.


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