Fab Findings, Life

Fab Five

It is Fab Fives of the week -- I did a lot of eating out this past week so most of the items are food related. 1 - Weir Creek Park: I try to do my long runs on Friday and since our students are on Spring Break I was really able to do it.… Continue reading Fab Five

Fab Findings, family fun

Fab Five

I am bringing back the Fab FivesšŸ˜ Ā  I will try to post my five favorite items for the week on Fridays - some will beĀ themed while others random. Ā I so meant to post this yesterday but by the time I got home and situated I fell asleep and no waking up till morning. So… Continue reading Fab Five

Fab Findings, Travel

Fab Five Colombian Street Art

It is hard to believe that it has been almost two weeks since I was exploring and relaxing in Colombia. Ā Just about everyday I am reminded of the experience and reflect on how I can't wait to return. Ā It does not help that my good friend from Colombia is still in Bogota and communicates with… Continue reading Fab Five Colombian Street Art

Fab Findings, Life

Five Things I Can’t Wait to Experience in Colombia

In a matter ofĀ 7 days, I will be going on my 40th birthday trip to Colombia!!! Ā Last July I made a list of 40 items I had to complete before I turned 40, and one of those items was to visit at least two different countries. Ā I have a passion for traveling that has been… Continue reading Five Things I Can’t Wait to Experience in Colombia

Education, Fab Findings

Five Activities That Boost Childrens’ Technology Abilities

Do you enjoy the Fab Five Fridays? Ā Please take time to comment on topics you would like me to feature. Today's Fab Five Findings is focused on technology activities for children. Ā Some are activities I've used with the girls or on my own. Ā One aspect of my educational background is in Computer Science so I… Continue reading Five Activities That Boost Childrens’ Technology Abilities

Education, Fab Findings

Fab Five Friday – Summer Learning Science Style

It's Friday -- WOOT WOOT!! Ā I can semi-sleep in these next two days...waking up early for swimming lessons has been a difficult task for the girls so I'm sure they will enjoy a break till next week. Ā And I will enjoy not having to scream for them to wake up šŸ™‚ I'm also glad it… Continue reading Fab Five Friday – Summer Learning Science Style

Fab Findings, Life

Fab Five Friday – Street Art

As I was driving the other day I noticed an interesting image on a building and knew that I wanted to highlight some of the street art pieces I've seen over the year. It would not do the images justice to be in a small collage image so I'm showing them individually with information about… Continue reading Fab Five Friday – Street Art

Fab Findings, Life, Miller Outings

Fab Five Friday – Hiking Edition

Finally the Fab Five Fridays are back....YEAH! I haven't really been out so I thought I would do a Fab Five based on our summer hiking adventures. Me and the girls were able to get 3 hiking trips (one visited two different locations) Ā in over the summer and we enjoyed each one. I have decided… Continue reading Fab Five Friday – Hiking Edition

Fab Findings, Life

Fab Five & Week before Quals

So the craziness has begun -- almost one week before my qualifying exams start. Ā I've been staying up late working on items to reduce my craziness during the exams, and that is my same plan for the rest of the week. I was able to see some Fab items so thought I would share them… Continue reading Fab Five & Week before Quals

Fab Findings

Fab Five Valentines

I know I have been absent but it has been quite busy with my oldest daughter's musical performances and then me studying. The Fab Five for the week is all based on Valentine's Day. Ā Some things I saw while others are gifts from cupid. Happy Valentine's Day!